It's emotions month!
I thought this would be a great theme to discuss before school starts again, and what with the whole pandemic situation, i'm sure we could all do with some help.
My lovely teacher friend Emily has modeled the boards for us beautifully.
Below are some ideas on how to use your boards to open up a variety of discussion points and activities!
All these boards can also be adapted for different ages
Age 2-3
- Make faces on the person and ask your child what they're feeling, for older children you can ask how they know (angry mouth, wide eyes)
- What are you feeling today? Ask your child to make the face/s they feel!
- Use the emotions on the left and right side ask a guide for your child to make! Can you make the sad face?
Age 3-4
- Point out the emotions and ask what they are
- Show the 5 action tokens and ask how this would make them feel. Someone hitting might make them angry, playing might make them happy!
- Then show the 5 coping tokens, point out what they are and ask what we might do when one of these things happen to us.
What can you do if you're angry? Take deep breaths! - You can also use this board to display on the wall for every day feelings! Your child might choose to point to one they're feeling or put a token on for why they feel that way today
Age 4-6
There's two boards this month for this age group.
We've made these activities a little more advanced for older children and talk about more emotions, different ways they can make us feel and how we can help!
Here's some activities we can do!
- Choose an emotion with the star and ask your child how they can help when they feel this way. They can move the star to the one they choose!
- To encourage writers, you can ask them to copy the feeling word with a whiteboard pen
- You can also use the feelings board to display and use for every day feelings! How do you feel today? What can we do to help?
- On the second board, we can point out all the different scenarios and ask our children how they might make us feel.
Shouting? Scared - There's some extra emotions that we may feel but may be harder to notice. Can you think of a time you felt this way?
- At the bottom is a writing activity! Write an emotion and then your child can choose one of the scenarios to copy and try and write themselves